Wednesday, June 16, 2010

La Parade Cachée - FRINGE XX

La Parade Cachée By La Feintse - Montreal. Hour Stage Venue #4. Written, directed and performed by Maude Bouchard. Music by Yana Ouellet. Leaving the play thinking "I didnt get it"; And apparently, I wasnt the only one; -It took quite a while before the audience started to applaud at the end. Probably because it felt unfinished. Significance of the title? -I don't even get what the title "Parade Cachée" (Hidden Parade) refers to after seeing the play? It would have been a good idea if the author had completed the puzzle for us. Nevertheless, it is still a nice exploration of emotions, well delivered performance, and supported by a good soundtrack. If you're in for a ride without a expecting to end in any specific destination, then it's a show for you. 2 cents. TinTin

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