Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Eastern Promises fullfills all it promises...

"Is it Hot in Here, Or is it just Viggo?" Who sez that sex and violence isn't a good mix especially when there's a hot looking actor involved like Viggo Mortensen who provides the film voyeur with 4 minutes of the most sexy violent fight scene ever comitted to celluloid. With his fat free smooth muscle toned body he burns up the screen in this natural follow up to David Cronanberg's History of Violence.

Contrary to the armour he sported in Lord of the Rings that made him a household name, Mortensen sports nothing but tattoos, here and is among the most violent in this or any other movie of the year. And it represents one of the few times in mainstream film when major male characters are shown fully nude, particularly in fight scenes. In one scene, he uses a hair dryer to defrost a dead body before he cuts off its fingers. But even that gruesome scene is overshadowed by the fight. 

The film is much more than just the fight scene and Viggo IS Nikolai from start to finish and absolutely NAILS the Russian accent!  Viggo deserves an Oscar nomination for this performance!

Now out on DvD.

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