Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blessed Are They @ Saint James Church

A great text that treats a number of universal social issues including AA and the Church in today's society. But other themes are also developed and explored in depth: Faith, Truth, Doubt, and Salvation. Brilliantly performed by a solid ensemble of strong actors including: Eric Davis, Joanna Noyes, Igor Ovadis and Vlasta Vrana and an almost unrecognizable Andreas Apergis as the minister.

Great use of the open space at Dawson Hall; It adds a whole new character to the production. I definitely enjoyed it more here than had it been staged in a traditional theatre space. Costumes were also well attributed. The set was adequate but somewhat 'cheap' in appearance and use; although this is a church so lack of funding is always an issue, as is theatre of course. My biggest issue was with the lighting; there were times that it was almost blinding; too white, and too many black outs.

Other problems I had were:The length of the play to go without an intermission at almost two hours long. Better go to the bathroom before as it is difficult to exit once the play starts. Also there was no refreshments to be had on sight, not even a water fountain, so come prepared with liquids in hand. Also a coat check would have been appreciated for this time of year. entering form the front of the church was unexpected and a bit uncomfortable for some; equally the exit through the side door afterwards onto a very icy 'walk way' leading to the street.

Directed by Guy Sprung. Produced by Infinitheatre. Playing at Saint James United Church conveniently located downtown between McGill and PDA metros on Ste-Catherine. Opened February 17th closes March 8th.

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