Monday, December 8, 2008

La Bella Luna or a 'bad moon rising'?

Written & directed by Patrick de Moss, La Bella Luna is a very long play in serious need of an cut down the 2:30 running time down to 1:30. And the intermission of and extra +15 minutes, is it really - necessary? The over indulgent miss-use of pop rock lyrics only serves to drag the scenes down and becomes tedious and gets very old very fast.

Transitions are far too many and very poorly coordinated...
The blocking lacks logic and efficiency.

The production begs for direction to clean it up.

Dawn Ford - Laura/Ash is equally excellent in her interpretation of both roles and delivers an overall standout performance among this ensemble.

Jonathan Marquis - Jack/Jean is very entertaining and utterly delicious in his portrayal of Jean, however he falls considerably short as Jack with a lack of focus and development.

Even good actors can still deliver good performances; There are some great yet sporadic moments to be savoured here but the overall production is too ambitious for even this large ensemble cast to maintain and hold together.

Even if this was a film about to be released on DvD, I would have to advise - Skip It!

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